Coaching for Teams

Managers need coaches. Only 30% of employees in the United States are actively engaged in their jobs (Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report, 2013).  Who has the most influence in the engagement of employees? The Manager.  Maybe you’re a manager and don’t feel as though you truly know your team.  Maybe your team generally works well together but is missing that united spark.  Maybe your team is composed of one or two power players and a group of sideline sitters.  Whatever your team’s current climate, receiving Strengths-based coaching can only improve and build upon the great talent already present.

Team Development Coaching Experience

Two things result from investing in team development: productivity and loyalty.  My Team Development Coaching Experience is comprised of 3 main segments: Personalized Manager Coaching, Individual Team Member Coaching, and a Team Workshop. 

Personalized Manager Coaching:

  • The Manager(s) of the team will receive a 2 hour coaching session focused on goal planning and identifying the team balconies and basements that he/she wishes to receive focus during the Team Workshop. We will discuss the current challenges that the team is facing from the perspective of the Manager, as well as the successes and strengths that they possess! Also included in this session will be a personalized coaching conversation regarding the Manager’s Strengths and how they are presented to his/her employees.

Individual Team Member Coaching:

  • After the Personalized Manager Coaching session has been completed, I will meet with each individual on the team to help him/her better understand the Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment results. The Individual Team Member sessions are 45 minutes in length, and we will talk through ways that his/her Strengths both aid and hinder him/her in the workplace, both regarding specific work tasks and relationships with colleagues and supervisors. Notes taken during each employee’s coaching sessions will be provided to the Manager(s) at the conclusion of all individual sessions.

Team Workshop

  • By the start of the Team Workshop, all team members (including Managers) will have had personalized coaching sessions regarding their personal Strengths. The Workshop will educate all members on the Strengths of their colleagues and will be filled with exercises to better understand how to utilize and support one another’s unique talents. The goals identified in the Manager Coaching Session will be the primary focus for the activities conducted during the Workshop. This is a lively, interactive, and highly engaged experience for everyone! The Team Workshop can be tailored to fit a half-day, full-day, or multiple-day time frame depending on the depth of development and time availability.


Though the combination of these three components is the most popular and provides the most comprehensive development, I am more than happy to discuss ways to tailor an experience to meet your team’s specific needs should you prefer a different format. Let’s work together to create the right opportunity for your people!  Whether you choose to use this Team Development format or create a customized package, the result will be the same: a team more educated on one another's Strengths, a new drive to bring their best to the table, and a better understanding, for you, of how to place your employees in the most productive environment.